July 27, 2017

News: Princesses and Co-operatives

  1. The Village Tree
    1. Princess Marguerite Arrives in the Capital
    2. Former Noble Estates Registered as Co-Operatives

Village women amid the ruins

The Village Tree

Sent each week to all of the villages of Callisto, providing news of events, instruction in laws, and discoveries relevant to every citizen. Available by subscription to farmers, pastoralists, landowners, rural inhabitants and friends.

Princess Marguerite Arrives in the Capital

The Princess Marguerite has arrived in the capital. Aside from modeling for new artworks, she has been inquiring about the treatment the of the common people. A tour of the provinces is reportedly being planned with the assistance of the Inspector General to observe their fair treatment for herself.

Former Noble Estates Registered as Co-Operatives

Many of the estates which formerly belonged to the nobility, who have now emigrated, have been turned over to the local farmers. Under supervision by local Grange or appointed managers, they are being run as co-operatives. A few nobles who have returned have applied to become managers, under the ruling by the National Assembly to transfer aristocratic rights to functional positions if the applicants are willing to apply in person.

Tags: news the village tree