The Books for Revolution of Callisto

December 24, 2020

Revolution of Callisto

After a far-too-long delay, I've finally finished editing and formatting the book of letters for Revolution of Callisto. It includes all of the character sheets, the rules, and other assorted details.

News: Princesses and Co-operatives

July 27, 2017

Village women amid the ruins

The Village Tree

Sent each week to all of the villages of Callisto, providing news of events, instruction in laws, and discoveries relevant to every citizen. Available by subscription to farmers, pastoralists, landowners, rural inhabitants and friends.

Princess Marguerite Arrives in the Capital

The Princess Marguerite has arrived in the capital. Aside from modeling for new artworks, she has been inquiring about the treatment the of the common people. A tour of the provinces is reportedly being planned with the assistance of the Inspector General to observe their fair treatment for herself.

Former Noble Estates Registered as Co-Operatives

Many of the estates which formerly belonged to the nobility, who have now emigrated, have been turned over to the local farmers. Under supervision by local Grange or appointed managers, they are being run as co-operatives. A few nobles who have returned have applied to become managers, under the ruling by the National Assembly to transfer aristocratic rights to functional positions if the applicants are willing to apply in person.

State of the Revolutionary Republic

July 25, 2017

The current state of the Republic of Equality.

The Capital City

It is currently Brumaire - the month of mist


The National Army: on the frontier with the Holy Rumi Empire weakly loyal to the Republic
...has high morale well-supplied with on material
...has adequate soldiers, disorganized

The National Navy: small low on material
...has high morale


The Province of Toussaint is calm, with moderate food prices, disrupted commerce, and an excellent harvest. However, the food distribution has kept the population fed. Toussaint is weakly loyal to the Princess Marguerite and the crown.

The province of Amalric is calm with moderate food prices, stable commerce, an excellent harvest, and good fishing. The food distribution has kept the population fed. Amalric is weakly loyal to the Republic.

The province of Adelais is calm, with moderate food prices, stable commerce, and good fishing. However, the food distribution has kept the population fed. Adelais is weakly loyal to the Princess Marguerite and the King.

Merovia, the Capital City is beset with violent royalist outbursts, with moderate food prices and disrupted commerce. The food distribution has kept the population fed. The Revolutionist and the Monarchists argue loudly in the streets.
The city guard is strongly loyal to the National Assembly.


The National Assembly is:
...the Moderate Society of Revolution is ascendant.
Major political clubs: Friends of the Constitution, Highlanders, Moderate Society of Revolution, Populist Children of Equality
The National Finances are rich.

Currently Debating:

Previously Debating:

  • Establishing a national food distribution infrastructure (passed)
  • Increased Military Allotment: ✔ ✔ ✔ (passed)
  • The Trial of King Martel XVII: forced abdictation and exile: (passed) ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔


  • Treasurer
  • General of the Armies
  • Department of Science
  • Deputy to the Minister of Citizens


  • Food preservation: ☑ ☑ ☐
  • Fishing Fleet: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☐
  • Painting of Amalric Harbor: ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Mining in the Southwest: ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Food shipments to the capital: ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Amalric Harbor: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Southwestern Scientific Expedition: ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)

News: Violence and Bureaucracy

July 25, 2017

The city guard quelling the mob

The Merovian Review

All the latest, from the Capital that sets the fashion

National Food Distribution Continues with Less Fanfare

While the food distribution is less necessary now that the bountiful harvest is in, the deliveries have continued to areas still in need. The National Assembly has directed the Census Department to stamp the sign of the Republic on them to mark which deliveries came from the official distribution.

Mob Violence in the Capital

In the aftermath of the mayor's assassination, violent gangs preaching loyalty to the monarchy have killed a dozen of the city guard. Other citizens were also caught up in the violence, and there was some loss of life.

News: Spheres and Services

July 20, 2017

The demolition of a cathedral

The Village Tree

Sent each week to all of the villages of Callisto, providing news of events, instruction in laws, and discoveries relevant to every citizen. Available by subscription to farmers, pastoralists, landowners, rural inhabitants and friends.

Local Parishes Share in Rationing and Bounty

It's not only the villagers and farmers who have looked forward to the bounty of the fall harvest: the priests and monks in the provinces have been glad of the relief as well. Throughout the lean times, the local parishes have been sharing what little they had with the populace. With the now ample food supply, the bread distribution at the local parishes has ceased, but the services are still well attended.

Sphere Missing

The Treasury Department is making inquiries as to the whereabouts of one of the metallic spheres, which has apparently gone missing. Not only is there no sign of it, the wagons and crew transporting it seem to have vanished as well.

Local Beliefs About the Spheres

While our scientists may be baffled by the discovery of the large metallic spheres, the provincial villages have been spreading a traditional legend and applying it to them. Apparently, the symbology of the great sphere and its location hearken back to an archaic pantheon of varying chaotic or indifferent gods. These "Great Old Ones" were large non-humanoids from different realms and viewed humanity as playthings. The myth portends that such large symbols where used to mark the dominion of certain Old God and warn others to stay away. The provincial priests have been at pains to dismiss these stories as obvious falsehoods.

News: Mayor Assassinated

July 19, 2017

A crowd looking at an assassination

The Merovian Review

All the latest, from the Capital that sets the fashion

Mayor Daunou Found Dead In City Council Chamber

At the beginning of yesterday's weekly council meeting, Council members arrived to find an unlabeled parcel awaiting their arrival. Inside this parcel was a pair of severed hands, still bloody and bearing a signet ring. Mayor Daunou’s signet ring. Beneath the hands, was a note, written in crimson ink. 'Such is the punishment for a thief', it read. The City Guard was called for at once and immediately set out to find the missing, and presumably handless, Mayor.

They found him in less than an hour. He was on the balcony, overlooking the whole of the city. His hands were missing, of course. His body was strapped to a wooden post, set upright amidst a pile of burning logs. He was clad in naught but flesh and a fresh brand upon his chest.

The words "We Will Rise Again" were writ upon him in crimson, still hot from the iron. It was clear from his slackened jaw and eyeless face that he was already dead. City officials believe this to be the work of those loyal to the former King. No word has been given on any impending investigations.

We at the Merovian Review would like to say farewell to Mayor Aymeric Daunou, and wish his Daughter and Son the very best in this trying time. Any citizens who wish to attend the Mayor's funeral or aid his Son and unwed Daughter, please consult His Excellency, Bishop Remy of Merovia.

Sphere Being Examined at the Palace

One of the spheres that have been so frequently mentioned in the news has arrived at the palace, where it has been undergoing examination. Though many citizens have expressed interest in seeing it in person, so far it has not been on public display.

State of the Revolutionary Republic

July 18, 2017

The current state of the Republic of Equality.

The Capital City

It is currently Vendémiaire - The month of grape harvesting


The National Army: on the frontier with the Holy Rumi Empire weakly loyal to the Republic
...has high morale well-supplied with on material
...has adequate soldiers, disorganized

The National Navy: small low on material
...has high morale


The Province of Toussaint is calm, with high food prices, disrupted commerce, and an excellent harvest. However, the food distribution has kept the population fed. Toussaint is weakly loyal to the Princess Marguerite and the crown.

The province of Amalric is calm, with high food prices, stable commerce, an excellent harvest, and good fishing. The food distribution has kept the population fed. Amalric is weakly loyal to the Republic.

The province of Adelais is calm, with moderate food prices, stable commerce, and good fishing. However, the food distribution has kept the population fed. Adelais is weakly loyal to the Princess Marguerite and the King.

Merovia, the Capital City is agitated, with moderate food prices and disrupted commerce. The food distribution has kept the population fed. The city is weakly loyal to the Revolution.
The city guard is strongly loyal to the National Assembly.


The National Assembly is:
...the Moderate Society of Revolution is ascendant.
Major political clubs: Friends of the Constitution, Highlanders, Moderate Society of Revolution, Populist Children of Equality
The National Finances are rich.

Currently Debating:

Previously Debating:

  • Establishing a national food distribution infrastructure (passed)
  • Increased Military Allotment: ✔ ✔ ✔ (passed)
  • The Trial of King Martel XVII: forced abdictation and exile: (passed) ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔


  • Treasurer
  • General of the Armies
  • Department of Science
  • Deputy to the Minister of Citizens


  • Food preservation: ☑ ☑ ☐
  • Fishing Fleet: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☐
  • Painting of Amalric Harbor: ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Mining in the Southwest: ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Food shipments to the capital: ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Amalric Harbor: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Southwestern Scientific Expedition: ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)

News: Death and Paint

July 18, 2017

A painter in a studio

The Village Tree

Sent each week to all of the villages of Callisto, providing news of events, instruction in laws, and discoveries relevant to every citizen. Available by subscription to farmers, pastoralists, landowners, rural inhabitants and friends.

Death and Disease in the Colony of the Touched

The colony on the Isle of Yeu, where those who suffer from the dreadful Touch of Evil, has been inflicted with further troubles, as more common diseases spread through the population. The shortages of the recent past left them vulnerable. While relief ships have alleviated the colony's immediate needs, for many they came too late.

The Touch is a particularly feared disease, a leprous numbness that has no cure. Those afflicted are exiled to the religious colony on the Isle of Yeu. There they are tended for however long their lives last. The local parishes send periodic supplies and relief, though there is only so much that they can do to relieve the suffering.

Painting of Amalric Harbor nears Completion

The painter commissioned to commemorate the opening of the new harbor is reportedly nearly finished. While few citizens have been allowed to see the work in progress, the artist is a frequent guest at local festivities.

The Provincial Voice

July 12, 2017

A village festival

The Provincial Voice

Local News You Can Use

Local Artwork On Display In Capital

Some of the artwork on load from our parish in Amalric is on display in the National Museum. We applaud this display of our province's cultural achievements.

Funding For Military

The National Treasury has arranged for the increased funding for the army to be issued in assignats backed by the profitable mines in the southwest. Therefore, despite the increased conscription and our armies being better supplied, the treasury is as solvent as it ever was.

Early Frost In the North

An early frost has affected the harvests in the northern parts of the country, damaging the vineyards.

Citizens Celebrate The Release of the King

Reports from our friends in the capital tell us that after the verdict of the king's trial was announced, the streets were filled with throngs of citizens singing the Adelaisaise and waving the colors. We here in the country hare happy to hear that the king's head is safe, but we're equally concerned with the basic, kitchen-table concerns.

The food distribution, the road building, the defense against bandits: these are our practical concerns. What good is it for the Republic to scare off our noble landlords if they're just going to turn around and sell the land to the New Men? At least we have the Grange to look after our own.

Experiments in Food Preservation

The University is conducting experiments in improved food preservation. They hope to use a previously worthless metal as part of the containers, and are working out the best methods of keeping food edible for longer periods.

Treasury Puzzled by Large Spherical Delivery

Our friends working as porters at the Treasury Department report that they are baffled by the arrival of a large metallic sphere, and aren't sure what to do with the thing.

Raid in Rumi?

There are reports from the border that a Rumi magazine has been seized, and its arms and artillery taken. Accounts vary as to whether this was caused by an unauthorized expedition of our soldiers, overexcited and inebriated from the harvest festival, or by Rumi revolutionaries within the town itself.

City Guard Searching For Counterrevolutionary Ringleaders

The city guard continues its search for the ringleaders of the radical counterrevolutionary movement. Why, last month even our own Frederick Chouhomme got caught up in the sweep. They let him go soon enough, since he was only in the capital to support our king in his hour of need, but his mother did have such a fright!

If anyone has information about any they may be hiding somewhere in the city, or they might have fled to the country disguised as laborers.

State of the Revolutionary Republic

July 11, 2017

The current state of the Republic of Equality.

The Capital City

It is currently Fructidor - The month of fruit


The National Army: on the frontier with the Holy Rumi Empire weakly loyal to the Republic
...has high morale well-supplied with on material
...has adequate soldiers, disorganized

The National Navy: small low on material
...has high morale


The Province of Toussaint is celebrating, with high food prices, disrupted commerce, and an excellent harvest. However, the food distribution has kept the population fed. Toussaint is weakly loyal to the Princess Marguerite and the crown.

The province of Amalric is celebrating, with high food prices, stable commerce, an excellent harvest, and good fishing. The food distribution has kept the population fed. Amalric is weakly loyal to the Republic.

The province of Adelais is celebrating, with moderate food prices, stable commerce, and good fishing. However, the food distribution has kept the population fed. Adelais is weakly loyal to the Princess Marguerite and the King.

Merovia, the Capital City is celebrating, with moderate food prices and disrupted commerce. The food distribution has kept the population fed. The city is weakly loyal to the Revolution.
The city guard is strongly loyal to the National Assembly.


The National Assembly is:
...the Moderate Society of Revolution is dueling with the Friends of the Constitution.
Major political clubs: Friends of the Constitution, Highlanders, Moderate Society of Revolution, Populist Children of Equality
The National Finances are rich.

Currently Debating:

Previously Debating:

  • Establishing a national food distribution infrastructure (passed)
  • Increased Military Allotment: ✔ ✔ ✔ (passed)
  • The Trial of King Martel XVII: forced abdictation and exile: (passed) ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔


  • Treasurer
  • General of the Armies
  • Department of Science
  • Deputy to the Minister of Citizens


  • Food preservation: ☑ ☐ ☐
  • Fishing Fleet: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☐
  • Painting of Amalric Harbor: ☑ ☐
  • Mining in the Southwest: ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Food shipments to the capital: ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Amalric Harbor: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Southwestern Scientific Expedition: ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)

News: Special Provincial Edition

July 9, 2017

A bridge over a cascade

The Merovian Review

All the latest, from the Capital that sets the fashion Special Provincial Edition

Religious Observance

With the trials of the spring and summer behind them, the parishes are still recording the faithful participation of the peasants. The observation of the Doctrine Universal, as it is practiced by the common-folk, is as strong as it ever was–perhaps even stronger. The virtue of the Righteous Acts is extolled.

Provincial Volunteers

Many local militias, trained by Albert Franshis and inspired by the local monks, have been seeking to volunteer for service in the National Army.

Celebrations in the Provinces

Across the land, celebrations were held to commemorate that the king's escape from the executioner. Many of the rural folk pinned colored ribbons to their gateposts. Processions were organized, with towns coming together and holding feasts on the estates of the emigrated nobles. The Princess Marguerite has become popularly associated with the people's love toward the monarchy, and it is her colors that are most in evidence.

The Verdict

July 7, 2017

The examination of the king

The Trial of A Monarch

Here in the city of Merovia, something unprecedented has been happening: the person of the law, in the shape of Martel XVII of Callisto, has been accused by the legislators of the law, in the shape of the relatively recently constituted National Assembly. Despite the king's proclamation that he is the law, there are still bars on his prison windows. He has been confined to the Fortress of the Templars ever since his attempt to flee to the border went disastrously wrong.

The trial has preoccupied much of the National Assembly's attention in these past few months. While public opinion was initially extremely prejudiced against the former monarch, the Moderate Society of Revolution has been advocating on the king's behalf. And in this, they have broad popular support. While the king is still quite unpopular within the city, the rest of the country regards him in a better light. Princess Margarete's relief efforts have helped keep the regard for the royal family high, and even in the city she is quite popular. It has also not escaped the notice of the public that there has been a constant vigil outside the king's prison; the popular label for these individuals is "The Witnesses in White", owing, no doubt, to the garments they wear. They have received material and moral support from much of the countryside, even from regions that have been throughly educated with the ideals of the Republic. That many already regarded the king as a martyr of sorts for his country was evident. An actual execution threatened to set off half the country.

The news that the National Assembly had nearly reached a verdict brought the arguments in the cafés to a fever pitch. The National Assembly had been deadlocked, with execution looking likely. The arrival of the Archbishop, dispatched to personally review the results of the trial served to heighten the drama.

Once the final votes were tallied, the outcome was clear: abdication but not execution. The verdict is that the former monarch be dethroned and removed from the Republic, but that his life shall be spared.

News: Life Under the Republic

July 6, 2017

A hermit in prayer

The Village Tree

Sent each week to all of the villages of Callisto, providing news of events, instruction in laws, and discoveries relevant to every citizen. Available by subscription to farmers, pastoralists, landowners, rural inhabitants and friends.

Country Life Under the Republic

Life in the countryside is adapting to the new conditions. As a practical matter–and our rural citizens are often very practical–food preservation remains a major concern, but life goes on under the Republic, with a few adjustments. All pitch in. With the nobility absent, the duty of officiating at the seasonal feasts has devolved on the Grange and the local priests. Even the guards from the capital have been recruited to pick the ripe fruits on occasion.

The monarchy still has supporters in the provinces, and the king is praised for standing up against the worst of the lords of the land. News from the king's trial is greeted eagerly. Many in the provinces speak of a bloody retribution if the king is executed, but so far that is just talk. More practical assistance is provided by those monarchist supporters who have traveled to the capital to provide food and support to the citizens who have been standing vigil outside the king's prison, dressed in white.

Verdict in King's Trial Unexpectedly Delayed

Due to the extremely narrow margins in the debate, the expected verdict for the king's trial (and possible execution) has not yet been voted on. While the results are expected before this month is over, the National Assembly is conducting a careful review of the evidence in the case.

Many groups are using the delay to push their rhetoric about the trial and it's potential outcomes. The representatives of the Holy Seat insist that for the trial to have the blessing of the Doctrine Universal, there must at the very least be an Executor in attendance. Other demonstrate in the streets, waving ribbons with the colors of Princess Marguerite.

Summer Harvests Are Excellent

The summer harvests have exceeded even the optimistic expectations! Now the problem of preserving enough of it to benefit is no longer a mere academic question but one of immediate practicality. There is a shortage of hands to do all that needs doing, and the traditional methods of storing the fruit harvest are inadequate in the face of this bounty. If some way of addressing this problem is found, the Republic's food supply will be in a very good position. But we fear the result if this bounty is lost and a future famine strikes.

News: Mysteries and the Military

July 5, 2017

The barracks of the city guard

The Merovian Review

All the latest, from the Capital that sets the fashion

Military Allotment Approved

The National Assembly approved the increased allotment of funding for the national military, including the conscription of additional soldiers from the citizenry. Our armies are now at least adequately supplied for the defense of our Republic.

Bandits in the countryside can now be firmly considered a thing of the past. Not only are the military patrols effective deterrents, but the recruitment has opened a better avenue for the members of the citizenry who are desperate or violently-inclined.

Science at a loss?

The large metal spheres so recently discovered in the southwest are baffling our best scientists. The University is refusing to make an official statement, but members of the academy who were willing to speak anonymously repeated stories of strange occurrences, a missing colleague, and otherworldly danger.

Persons of Interest Wanted for Questioning

The city guard has announced that it is seeking information about the whereabouts of persons of interest in connection with the recent unrest in the city. Anyone with information about these individuals should report it to the city guard at once.

State of the Revolutionary Republic

July 4, 2017

The current state of the Republic of Equality.

The Capital City

It is currently Thermidor - the month of summer heat


The National Army: on the frontier with the Holy Rumi Empire weakly loyal to the Republic
...has high morale low on material
...has few soldiers, disorganized

The National Navy: small low on material
...has high morale


The Province of Toussaint is calm, with high food prices, disrupted commerce, and a good planting. However, the food distribution has kept the population fed. Toussaint is weakly loyal to the Princess Marguerite and the crown.

The province of Amalric is calm, with high food prices, stable commerce, a good planting, and good fishing. The food distribution has kept the population fed. Amalric is weakly loyal to the Republic.

The province of Adelais is calm, with moderate food prices, stable commerce, and good fishing. However, the food distribution has kept the population fed. Adelais is weakly loyal to the Princess Marguerite and the King.

Merovia, the Capital City is agitated, with moderate food prices and disrupted commerce. The food distribution has kept the population fed. The city is weakly loyal to the Revolution.
The city guard is strongly loyal to the National Assembly.


The National Assembly is:
...the Moderate Society of Revolution is dueling with the Friends of the Constitution.
Major political clubs: Friends of the Constitution, Highlanders, Moderate Society of Revolution, Populist Children of Equality
The National Finances are rich.

Currently Debating:

  • The Trial of King Martel XVII, likely to end in Royal Execution and the Permanent Abolition of the Monarchy (about to deliver a verdict): ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔
  • Increased Military Allotment: ✔ ✔ ✔ (passed)

Previously Debating:

  • Establishing a national food distribution infrastructure (Passed)


  • Treasurer
  • General of the Armies
  • Department of Science
  • Deputy to the Minister of Citizens
  • Representatives on Mission: 1


  • Fishing Fleet: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☐
  • Painting of Amalric Harbor: ☑ ☐
  • Mining in the Southwest: ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Food shipments to the capital: ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Amalric Harbor: ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)
  • Southwestern Scientific Expedition: ☑ ☑ ☑ (completed)