June 19, 2017

News: Science and Stability

  1. The Merovian Review
    1. National Assembly Debates Increased Military Allotment
    2. Land Sales Fund Food Distribution
    3. The Fourth Precept
    4. Execution of the Monarch?
    5. Replacing Military Guards in the City?
    6. Peace Treaty with Anhalt
    7. Dál Riata Supports Emigrant Return
    8. Amalric Opens School
    9. Scientific Enquiries Into Spheres Found in the South-West

A street in the capital

The Merovian Review

All the latest, from the Capital that sets the fashion

National Assembly Debates Increased Military Allotment

Based on the positive reports from the Treasury Department, the proposed legislation to increase the military allotment is being debated in the National Assembly. Not only would this help secure our borders, but the decrease in deserters and the increase in patrols would likely help address the bandit problem.

Land Sales Fund Food Distribution

The National Assembly has approved the sale of nationalized lands to fund the ongoing national food distribution.

The Fourth Precept

The Fourth Precept of the Doctrine Universal: Everyone gets what they are entitled to.

Execution of the Monarch?

Debates the National Assembly as the trial of the monarch stretches on have suggested that the execution of the former monarch may be necessary. The way things are moving, it could happen as soon as next month.

Replacing Military Guards in the City?

In order to deal with the unrest in the city, several military units have been stationed in the capital. If the city guard is instead supplied with new recruits, these units would be freed to deal with the banditry in the countryside.

Peace Treaty with Anhalt

The Ambassador of Anhalt, Ferenc Nagy, was in the capital city this week to conclude the peace treaty with that country.

Dál Riata Supports Emigrant Return

While they assure the emigrants that no harm will come to them in that country, Dál Riata is offering every citizen of Merovia free passage back home up until the end of Prairial. No word on how the return of the emigrants will be received here.

Amalric Opens School

Citizen Aurelie, Master of Reformed Education, has opened his College of Amalric in that city. The education will surely benefit the local population.

Scientific Enquiries Into Spheres Found in the South-West

The inquiries into the nature of the spheres are listened to with interest in the fashionable cafés of the capital. There are more questions than answers at present, but high hopes that we shall soon know more.

Tags: news the merovian review