June 10, 2017

Items from the National Archives

  1. From the Catalog of the National Archives
    1. On the Use of Springs
    2. A report of an experimental "reaper" cannon
    3. Painting: "The Return" by Anhault of Anhalt
    4. Painting: "Calm Waters" by Anhault of Anhalt
    5. Painting: "The Martyrdom of the Saint" by Poussin
    6. Sculpture: "Eyes to the Storm" by Bartolomi Repucci

The corner of a picture frame

From the Catalog of the National Archives

On the Use of Springs

A monograph, dated to the first year of the Revolution, on the use of energy stored in springs.

A report of an experimental "reaper" cannon

A report of a field test of a rust-proof, water-proof cannon. Test results indicate a high degree of effectiveness against stone fortifications. Includes diagrams of the machinery.

Painting: "The Return" by Anhault of Anhalt

Said to have inspired the later actions of the Friends of the Constitution.

Painting: "Calm Waters" by Anhault of Anhalt

This painting's message of unification calmed the situation in the Capital, at least for a time.

Painting: "The Martyrdom of the Saint" by Poussin

Notes mark it as being on loan from a parish in rural Amalric

Sculpture: "Eyes to the Storm" by Bartolomi Repucci

It measures 20 feet in height, and an 11 foot diameter. It has three men standing over a table and one looking away in hope but worried, the other two shaking hands in agreement over the map on the table. Commemorates a peace treaty between Merovia and Gaston.

Tags: national archives news